I understand your question.
The size of the uterus has increased.
However you have not mentioned if an ultrasound of the abdomen, especially the kidney and bladder has been done. The pain may be due to a
bladder stone, urine infection or due to the adenomyotic uterus that sometimes irritates the bladder.
Many a times
adenomyosis is associated with another condition called
endometriosis where the menstrual blood flows in abnormal places like inside the abdomen and causes pain. This will be seen during the surgery only.
Regarding the risk of
endometrial cancer,
The risk is very very low in your case because this cancer is more common in women that had never had children and in older age group. You are young and have three children so the risk is very low.
However, for women with similar complaints in my clinic, I make it a point to rule out endometrial cancer by an
endometrial biopsy. This is a simple office procedure and is a part of the pre surgical workup.
So discuss with your treating gynecologist about this option so that there will be no need to worry.
Regarding the pain, I suggest you recheck if an ultrasound of abdomen looking for the kidneys and bladder has been done. If it has not been done, get it done along with a urine examination to look for infection.
If the ultrasound is normal, a simple analgesic like
diclofenac twice a day with milk with help control the pain. If the urine has infection than you will need antibiotics as it needs to be controlled before any
elective surgery or even otherwise.
Hope this was helpful.
Thanks for the query and feel free to ask more.
Have a nice day.
Dr. Madhuri Bagde
consultant gynecologist