Hello Sanath. You show know that
Jaundice is just a symptom and not the disease. It would largely benefit us if we could have a look at your blood reports and help in directing you to the right test. This is the season for Dengue due to the weather, but viral infections life Dengue have an impact on your platlets. Platlets are a parameter found in your blood, which can easily be detected in a routine CBC investigation (which is the most common and basic investigation).
The Liver is affected in most viral infections.
Typhoid has many other symptoms like
diarrhea (pea soup stool), a rash, and a step-ladder pattern of fever.
You could get an abdominal scan, called a USG Abdomen and pelvis, which could help determine the condition of the liver and other organs in the abdominal cavity.
You could also go for a LFT (liver function test) and a
Hepatitis profile, which could also cause symptoms of Jaundice (yellowing of skin,
conjunctiva, etc.)
Also, do let me know which medications you were prescribed.