Hi Dear
Welcome to the platform of Health care Magic.
Madam, Weight of the child is quite important for us to explain you better.
Any As you have narrated in the history that she opens up her mouth but burp and vomits forcefully.
As a rule 'If the child is gaining weight satisfactorily with her age. Then it means she is retaining suffecient amount of calories (inspite of vomitings) what she is requirs according to her age.
It appeas to be that she is vomiting intentionally in reaction to your forcefull overfeeding and she is fed up of your overgelous feeding.
Now she had developed a technique (vomiting) to over come this over force full feeding.
She might be feeling hunger but still she will say NO to feeds just because she has to react.
Mm please let her to feel hunger. Give her some space. Let her to demand herself.
By this I assure you she will stop this act with due course of time.
She can fed by other people/neighbours etc. out side your house, with some other children.
Some antiacid medicine like
Lansoprazole etc may be added for some time to over come the acidity part which is quite common.
Hope your query is answered.