hi doctor, my husband previously took excessive alcohol, and now he is having high bilirubin and fat liver. Last month we went to India for treatment. Doctor gave him Lameta-S, Nusam 200, Ursocol 300. Last week we took liver function test and the value is still showing high :
albumin:28* (normal range 35-50), globulin:47*(normal range 22-40), alb/glo ratio:1.7(normal range:1.0-2.2), bilirubin:107* (normal range:up to 24), SGOT/AST:69*(normal range:up to 40), SGPT/ALT:23(normal range:up to 54). This test taken in Malaysia. Doctor pls help to clarify on this I am too worried for him, besides that he is having swollen in his both leg. His hemoglobin level drop down.