Yes, I was diagnosed with RSD after a mid foot fusion last year. The pain has been managed with with pain medication. 6 weeks after I stopped the treatment for RSD I became fatigued, lost weight and had episodes of tachycardia and orthostasis. Spiking of blood sugar levels as well as an overactive GB on HIDA study. I had a mitral valve issue that has became worse in the past 7 mos. I had 3 ER visits in 4 weeks due to shortness of breath, chest pressure as well as sweating and feeling my heart in my throat. I was able to count off my PVC's and v tach episodes. They each had their own unique pain. No physican in this area is familiar with RSD Full Body. HELP PLEASE. I live in Louisville KY and need to reach out to a professional who can help, I have developed hypertension and rapid heart rate. beta blockers have brought the heart down some but pressure continues to go up. Any info would be greatly appreciated.....
Thanks so much in advance, Person with a mad scientist running the controls in my body