I am a regular opiate user, and a reguar xannax user. I use the xannax for legitimate purposes and have a legitimate perscription and take about 2-3.5 mg per day. As far as opiates go I use 30-50 mg of oxy or hydro per day. This is illegitamete use and admittaly a horrible habit that does not help with my implied anxiety problem (i.e. reason I take xannax) I have never used methadone before today and took 25 mg which I guess is a little high for the amount of opiate I normally take, and considering methadone has a longer life in your system. The concern is I had no idea that xannax and methadone had a bad interaction with eachother until reading horror stories on google. Many people say they are fine with it as long as they do not take them at the same exact time, but everbody I found that said this had a tolerance to Methadone and were regular methadone users. I posted this question to a doctor on here and discovered that methadone and opiods have a cross tolerance so being that I am a regular opiod user I should be in the same boat as the regular methadone user. Also, I oubviously have a tolerance to xannax. So I also discovered that even though I am feeling tired, a little dizzy which could be caused by alot of missing sleep, I will probably not go to sleep and not wake up again. The information in blogs seems so unreliable, and there are so many different opinions so it was nice to talk to a doctor that could provide at least a few clear answers, Although, I probably still will not get any sleep tonight, cause I am scared that it could still happen. I thought I would post this info out there for anyone with the same situation.