I am a diabetic. Off and on over the last eight months I have had symptoms that would lead me to believe there is something going on with my kidneys. But when I have gone to the hospital every checked out ok lab wise. Creatine was 1.0 but went down to 0.8 upon discharge. Albumin was 4.0. Bun was elevated at 35 but went down to 23 within 8 hours then went down to 14 within a day. I think this happened because I was dehydrated. Had urinalyis done in hospital about two weeks before this hospital stay and everthing O.K. The reason I am writing is I have only urinated about 3 times in 2 days. Only urinated once yesterday. Have not urinated today. I am very concerned, but I don t want to seem crazy. I have been back and forth to hospital several times in last few months getting urinalysis and complete blood work and everthing is fine, I have had pecuilar symptoms though. Bubbles in urine,Brownish skin with bruising,puffy feet,cold feeling on one side of body. Some of these symptoms have come and gone others have not gone away. At a total loss.