Hello dear
Understand your concern.
First confirm the
pregnancy by Blood HCG level or by USG that is very accurate compare to urinary pregnancy kit.
Following are the causes of your problem:
Hormonal imbalance
2. Dysfunction of ovary, PCOS
3. Uterine fibroid
4. Adenomyosis
5.Endometrial or cervix dysplasia
6. Thyroid problem, endometriosis
7. Stress
8. Excessive weight loss/gain
9. Pelvic inflammatory disease
So I think yous should
consult doctor.
Do the following test
1. Blood test: FSH, LH, Estrogen,
progesterone, HCG, Thyroid hormone, ESR, CBC
2. Pelvic examination
3. PAP smear
4. USG
After diagnosis take proper treatment
Hope this may help you
Best regards