This question is regarding my 23 year old son. He currently attends school away from home in a small Canadian community. In mid october he complained of right lower abdominal pain and swelling. Felt like there was a lump there. This persisted over ~1 week and worsening. I told him to go to ER. He went and was admitted overnight. They thought possibly appendicitis. Gave IV fluids, ketoralac and if not improved in the morning would send out. In the morning pain was improved but not gone. Elevated WBC. A week later he noted his eyes were yellow. Went back to ER, 5 times normal bill. Remainder of LFTs normal. Sent home. When bloodwork was repeated a few weeks later he had elevated AST, ALT (3 times normal), bili(4 times normal). Ordered abd US. Apparently normal except for polyp in gall bladder. Bunch more bloodwork ordered for hepatitis screens, STDs (not sure what else). Immunizations UTD including Hep A and B. Right lower abdominal pain and lump has persisted the whole time. Lymph nodes now swollen everywhere, loose stools, no blood in stool (that he has seen), weight loss (~5 lbs in a week). Fatigued. He was a previously well young man. Did suffer a concussion in July and August 2016, with post concussive symptoms. Not overweight (6 feet 2 inches…was 190 lbs now 176). Very active previously. Eats healthy. No ETOH since concussion. He has travelled to Africa ~2 years ago, was ill will severe diarrhea following a trip to Mexico ~22 months ago. Thoughts??