The symptoms you are experiencing might be related to
upper respiratory infection.
The symptom that worries me is coughing up blood. However, I should have more details :
- quantity of blood?
- the color of the phlegm?
- is blood always present when coughing?
- is your through red or swollen?
Abdominal pain might be related to
viral gastroenteritis, especially when associated with changes in bowel movements.
I am sorry you do not have health insurance; however, it is a must that you should be further evaluated by your physician to rule out severe infections (like TB, etc.)
home remedies, I can advise to:
- take plenty of fluids (tea, water, juice, etc.)
- take ibuprofen/
acetaminophen to reduce inflammation and body aches
- take good care for your oral hygiene
- do gargle with water and salt
- have 1 teaspoon of olive oil and another teaspoon of honey early in the morning
- have chicken broth to get more energy.
Wish fast recovery!