Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
It is not possible to ascertain your fertility without knowing more details.
With age, the capacity of the ovaries to produce mature and good quality eggs declines .
This is known as declining
ovarian reserve.
This is best assessed by measuring the levels of a substance called AMH, so please get that done.
Further, fibroids also further complicate the conception issue.
After a myomectomy, if the
uterine cavity is breached, then the chances of
implantation of the embryo decrease.
So that needs to be known.
Also, ovulation can be tracked via a cycle of follicular monitoring.
Your husband's
semen analysis needs to be done.
ALso, patency of your fallopian tubes should be checked by
Maintain an ideal weight and take regular folic acid supplements.
All the best.
Take care.