Hello doctor,
I'm 30 years old and having periods every 40 days.I also had a mis-carriage during the first 1.5 years. From there, we were trying and not succesful. So decided to go for treatment.
Going for treatment for the past 1yr.
Initial tests shows that insulin is not normal.doctor advised to take diabetin/glucophage 50mg.After these tablets, insulin become normal. Still continuing the tablets.
Also, taking Diane 35/Progyluton for past 8 months, now i get periods in every 30 days.
Doctor planned to do IUI initially and started the ultra sound scanning and found that no eggs formed on the follicle.follicle keeps growing and doctor confirmed that no egg found and it could be Follicular ovarian cyst.
Also taking serophene 50 mg (2 day to 6th day) and doctor planned to increase it to 100mg later on. Also if it doesn't work she planned to do injection.
1. Wanted to understand the criticality of the problem?
2. what treatment is necessary at this stage ?is it curable and what is the success percentage on such treatment.
3. can you advise any doctor in chennai?
My weight: 55.5kg.
Height : 153 cms