You had sexual intercourse without PROTECTION ( UNPROTECTED SEX).
Unprotected sex is a risky and most dangerous for getting HIV infection.
Approximately 50-70% of infected individuals experience an acute syndrome following primary infection. The acute syndrome follows infection by 3-6 weeks .It can have a multiple clinical features , lasts for 1-2 weeks and resolves spontaneously as an immune response to HIV develops and the
viral load diminishes from its peak levels.
These symptoms are :
lymphadenopathy, headache /retro-orbital pain ( behind eyes), arthralgias/myalgias, lethargy/malaise , anorexia/
weight loss, nausea/vomiting/diarrhea.
Other are erythematous maculopapular rashes, mucocutaneous ulceration ( ulcer in mouth and on tongue i.e. coating).
As most of these symptoms , you are having.
Antibodies to HIV begin to appear within 2 weeks of primary infection ( contract with 2nd girl without condom ) , and the period of time between initial infection and the development of detectable antibodies is rarely more than 3 months .
Since in your case ONE MONTH has already passed so get in P 24 rapid nucleic acid amplification ( pcr , rna ) at once .
Yes , you are at risk of HIV infection but not sure you have HIV .
Hope this will help you.