Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
PCOS is a condition characterized by baseline
hormonal imbalance.
In this condition, the cause is unknown.
The ovaries get studded with multiple small
cyst like follicles.
None of them gets matured every month, hence, ovulation is erratic and periods are irregular.
Regarding the
follicular study, I cannot comment anything, because you have not mentioned the cycle day.
The follicle size seems to be good, and the endometrial thickness also is fine.
Normally on day fourteen of a normal twenty eight day cycle, the egg should be around 18 - 22 mm in size.
That is when ovulation will occur.
In this case, as you have not written the cycle day, continue the monitoring.
WHen the egg size is optimum, ovulation would occur which also would show up on the scan.
Please remain sexually active around the time of ovulation to ensure
IF she does not ovulate, drugs like
clomiphene citrate might be required next time.
All the best.
Take care.