As you have mentioned in case of your patient the
stroke is due to bleeding in brain.
Long term Effects of stroke depends on-
1) Duration between onset (beginning) of symptoms and start of treatment (presentation to hospital) Usually stroke presents with minor symptoms like giddiness,
numbness to severe symptoms like complete loss of speech, complete weakness on one half of body or even death.
2) CT or MRI findings - Area of brain involved in bleeding, pressure changes on normal brain.
I want to know -
1) Presence of BP,
Diabetes problem.
2) Cause for bleeding (more likely
high BP).
3) Presentation of patient.
Surgery in case of bleeding usually done for life saving purpose - in it decompression
craniotomy is done to relieve pressure on functioning brain.
Recovery usually depends on -
1) Extent of bleeding.
2) Onset of symptoms and time of surgery.
3) Presentation of patient.