Hi Thanks for posting your query and welcome to this site.I have gone through your details .First of all please mention your weight. You have mentioned that you don't have any medical history and any disease and you want to know remedies for staying fit .Here I am suggesting few effective remedies for maintaining fitness,weight and stamina.These are
Go for a walk daily in the morning and evening.
yoga asanas,pranayam ,
meditation daily under the guidance of yoga expert.This will not only help in staying physically fit but also increase stability of mind.
Follow your hobby or interest.
Stay away from
stress by meditation and sharing your problems with your loved ones.
aloe vera juice daily empty stomach.
Consume light and easy digest able diet.
Consume more alkaline food like coriander,mint,coconut water,buttermilk ,green vegetables,green veg soup,citrus fruits,fresh salad and less acidic food like paneer,cheese.
Consume gooseberry (amla) daily in the diet.
Have wheatgrass juice daily or thrice a week for boosting immunity.
Take 1 tbsp triphla churn daily with lukewarm water for better digestion and
Have 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Limit the consumption of tea,coffee,caffeine,alcohol,non veg.
Instill two drops of medicated Anu or shadbindu oil daily at bed time for sound sleep.
Read books on positive thinking.
Stay away from stress and be positive.
Best wishes for your good health.
Take care