I have a six week old baby I am breastfeeding. Two weeks ago, I noticed a small hard sore bump on my areola, which quickly gre to a wedge shape and there are other lumps towards my armpit. The lymph node is also a little sore in my armpit. There is a yellow spot on my nipple, which I think is the end of the blockage, but after two weeks of feeding on that side and massaging and using heat packs, I haven't been able to dislodge it. THe doctor pricked it yesterday with a needle and milk is slowly coming through, but the lumps haven't changed. What is really worrying me is that the skin underneath the breast and on the other side is reddened, and the hair follicles seems to be far more pronounced than on the other side. this isn't the same area of the breast where the lumps are. My GP prescribed a course of antibiotics which i have completed with no change. There is no fever or sickness. Thanks