Hello, My dad recently dx with ESRD, started dialysis a week ago. He has comorbidties, CHF, DM, MI(3 weeks ago). Need angio, unable to have this done because he of fluid retention. He has had 18L of fluid pulled off over the past 2.5 weeks. He is having such extreme abdominal cramping x 5 days. Abd. Exray -, labs stable. He has had a productive cough x 1 week. No cx done. I m in Vegas, my parents are in MI. I just left 1.5 weeks ago. He s worsening, I m a nurse, I think he s dying am I over reacting? Do I need to go back? What are possible reason for abdominal spasm? I ve seen patients respond this way as the body adjust to major fluid shift. I m so uncertain. I just need a clue, please advise. Thanks