Hi, My name is Dianna! My husband was in a car accident many years ago and has 3 surgeries to try and fix him! I dont know the exact medical terms for all that he has going on but I do know the medications he is on that are causing him to act very strange! I am worried about him, and cant pin point what medications are responsible for the way he is acting, or if it is a mixture of two or more!? So as of today here is a list of all meds he is taking: Hydrocodone, Atorvastatin, Cymbalta, Cyclobenzaprine, Lisinopril. He has had memory loss, trouble getting his point across, at times slurred speech, he always looks lost but very chatty and eager, when I confront him and try to explain to him how he is acting, he gets depressed and discouraged! This is not at all him!!! I watch him hurt with severe pain daily but he never lets it get him down! Im really concerned that if he continues on with these medications that he will loose his job! please help!!!