Hello I am a 34 yr old male Ive been in some serious testicular pain and abdomin pain for the past year...I have seen 4 different doctors who have pretty much just shrugged the problem off. I have tried many different antibiotics for pretty long periods of time with no sign of it getting better. Bactrim, Doxycycline, tetracycline,azithrimysin,cipro. The only one that had some effect was bactrim the first time i took it then took it again couple months later and nothing happend. This truely has effected my life in all aspects I no longer work at my job of 11 years due to constant pain and discomfort, its hard to lift heavy things without being in pain, Its extremely hard to sleep the majority of nights because of the pain. My sex drive has gone almost to 0 and if i do have sex im in pain afterwards. I have had periods of burning while urinating but it comes and goes. I also am experiencing atrify in both my penis and testicles which both me and my fiance both can see and constant red and enflamed testicles and sac. Ive tried some methods to ease the pain like warm baths, cold compresses, rest, no sex for 4 months now. All i can do is sit all day walking even bothers it...I just want my life back I want to run with my son again and be energetic I feel like a 90 yr old man...I just would like some kind of answer solution something as to what to do where to go next i ve been searching so long i feel like all hope is lost. Please if you have answer or a solution i would greatly appreciate it