Maternal age is an important determinant of the outcome of pregnancy. You are 41 years old, so this pregnancy is at high risk. You are more prone to develop abortion,
high blood pressure,
gestational diabetes,
preterm labor, ante-partum bleeding, and risk of caesarean delivery. You baby may suffer from
fetal distress and growth retardation. However, as medical science has progressed a lot. With proper monitoring and care, many of these complications can be halted.
1. Keep in regular touch with your obstetrician
2. Take medicines regularly as suggested by your obstetrician
3. Done ultrasound again at 28 weeks
4. Be watchful for any bleeding per vaginal, any
abdominal pain, headache, leg swelling etc. If you suffer any of these, immediately go to your doctor
5. Regularly monitor your blood pressure
6. Investigation – ultrasound at 28 weeks, blood sugar (F & PP), Hb%, serum sodium and potassium
7. Take rest and avoid any physical activity