I have had the following S/S for past 2 weeks - fatigue , weakness , SOB , abdominal cramping , frequent loose , watery stools w/ lg amts of mucous and what appears to be tissue ( looks like sausage casing ) , when there is actual stool it is very tiny , very light colored . I have little or no control - with night time incontinence . I have had prior Hx of ulcerative colitis , also constipation that lasts 2wks w/ no stool at all ( will then wake up with severe cramping beginning in area of stomach and moving through digestive system - will then have large BM,s for about 3 days - cycle then repeats . ) There has been no noticeable bleeding - my appetite is ok one day and then don t feel hungry for a few days , weight goes up and down (5-8#). I am afraid to take Imodium ( so that I can leave the house ) because I am unsure of underlying cause ??? Thank you for your consideration / help . Arlene