Thanks for choosing HCM for your query.
I appreciate your concern towards the safety of Acutret tablets on uterus.
Because there is an extremely high risk that severe birth defects will result if
pregnancy occurs while taking Acutret in any amount, even for
short periods of time, it should not be used by female patients who are or may likely to become pregnant.
The birth defects documented following exposure to Acutret include abnormalities of the face, eyes, ears, skull,
central nervous system (CNS), cardiovascular system, and thymus and
parathyroid glands.
In view of the above mentioned potential harmful effects on the growing fetus Acutret is contraindicated during pregnancy.
If used the females must use
contraceptive device to prevent the pregnancy.
As such it has no effect on the uterus.
Hope the explanation given above is helpful to you.
Rate the answer if you are convinced.