Hi there, I have understood your concern and I will suggest you the best possible treatment options.
First of all do not panic.
You are right in guessing that Duramine has effects on altering your cycles.It can cause early or late periods. This is because of its effects on fat
metabolism in the body, leading to changes in
estrogen hormone levels.
As you were using barrier contraceptive method like Condom, chances of getting pregnant are almost nil. But I will suggest you to get morning's first sample of urine tested for
pregnancy. In case of any doubt blood
beta HCG test and USG will be of help.
In my opinion, please do not use
oral contraceptive pills along with Duramine, but
I will suggest you to continue to use condoms as contraceptive method ot Intrauterine contraceptive device like Copper T in future, as these methods will not get affected by Duramine.
I hope this answer helps you.
Dr. Purushottam Neurgaonkar