Greetings. Welcome to HCM and thank you for your question. I carefully read your query.
Well, every
heart attack leaves its consequences behind. If it was a big heart attack, i.e. one that lowers the heart function under 45%, then this symptoms are expected.
Shortness of breath during light-to-moderate physical activity and unable to sleep in flat position because of the shortness of breath. If the stents were implanted within six hours from onset of pain, then there is a chance that this heart will regain some of its function. My recommendation would be that you should restrict your physical activity, to activities that do not produces symptoms, remove salt from your diet, and carefully adhere to your treatment regimen, which, among other medication, should also have
furosemide. These are precautions and therapeutic means to not make this insufficient heart suffer and to not exert pressure on it. Also, because of the stent placement and the heart attack, control cardiac
stress tests should be performed 1, 3 and 6 months after stent placement. Should there be any problem with the stents, it is the cardiac stress test that controls it.
Hopefully I was of help. Take care.
Dr. Meriton