You are taking METFORMIN for other illness besides diabetes ( according to your query).
You are having
frequent urination ( intense desire ), the possibilities may be, these include:
1 Diabetes
uncontrolled diabetes may be the reason of such urination so get in blood sugar examination.
2 Tension or anxiety are the other reason of such symptoms .
Urinary tract infection may be the one such reason , so get in complete urine examination .
I am also writing side effects of metformin, these are:
Anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, flatulence , occasional
metallic taste, weakness , hypoglycemia , rash, malbsorption of Vitamin B 12 , flusing palpitation, headache, indigestion , lightheadeness, abdominal discomfort,
LACTIC ACIDOSIS in presence of renal failure & alcoholism.
So frequent urination is not a side effect of metformin.
Hope this will help you.