Hello Rachel,
Congratulation on wanting to understand the diabetic proces and wanting to learn how to take control of your health.
diabetes is first diagnosed, generally the doctor will refer the patient to a Dietitian for "survival" education and then a suggestion is made to attend diabetic classes. Depending on your insurance these may be paid for.
Since you are in the U.S., the first place to start (aside from making an appointment with a dietitian) is the American Diabetic Association. There is so much to learn about when first diagnosed. The Diabetic Association has a great deal of information on its website.
Your diet should be personalized to your likes/dislikes, current intake, medications and timing of meals and healthy food that will help you control your blood sugar.
I can offer several options. Since you have a handicap you may be on Medicare and they will reimburse so many educational sessions with the dietitian with a doctor's order. I suggest you try that route first. The next option is to continue to pay up front and come here through the Specialist Portal and I can design a workable meal plan for you. Whichever way you go, these are the things needed to work out a meal plan for you:
1. A current diet history of what you eat now and how much
2. Your list of medications and supplements
3. Any lab work, diagnosis and/or diet order
4. Height,Age,
Weight loss needed?
For now, work on the general concepts of eliminating high glycemic foods/simple sugars; limit juice to 1/2 cup per day and emphasize fresh fruit, begin to slowly increase soluble fiber, increase fresh vegetables, cut down on
cholesterol to 200 mg/day (diabetics absorb more cholesterol); choose lean cuts of meat. Despite your handicap, try to exercise 150 minutes per week ( arm exercises, whatever you can do safely to get your
heart rate up and/or build muscle).
Current literature is showing many people with diabetes have an undiagnosed B12 deficiency that may not be indicated by a CBC. It is something I recommend that you check on.
You may google eatright.org as a non-member. Then search for Dietitians by zip code and you can find someone in your area. Many Dietitians accept Medicare and that is what you want to look for if that is your insurance provider.
This gives you some things to think about. Kind Regards, Kathryn Shattler, MS,RDN