ok doc,my girlfriend is just recovering from breast cancer,she a lymph node removed from under arm and a small cancerous cell from her breast also having chemo and radium treatment.at the time due to work and my looking after my son some weeks i could not be there every minute for but i did my best and worried like mad!she thinks her mum and friend where there for her more,yes did alot and went hospital appointments a lot.now she is on zoladex and tamoxifen and has been on these drugs for 6 months?at first i did not believe what she said about the side effects and induced hormonal changes but i do now after reading on web about them.we have had are really hard time for last 3 months as yes prior i want to make love to her and she just went through motions and stopped in november!she feels ive pushed her into a corner maybe i think have now with my ignorant attiude prior,and says she hasn't got the feelings for me back yet and and says to me will she?i am and know my attiude got to change and will as i love her foremost and i dont want to lose her because of cancer and this!at the moment with decided to have a break for a few weeks obviosuly i fear the outcome but she doesnt want me seeing anyone else as she has said.i wouldnt!but she seems ok in the company of her family and friends and is inclined to socialise with them on occasions but me,i seem to be alienated.but she was ok on certain occasions over xmas?but i felt she was cold to me?what advice please could you give me?i'll do whatever to make it ok ,i did feel she was using drug side effects as an excuse?i dont know anything anymore!?my doc reckons i am stressed out at moment with it and i should lie low as i dont live with her at moment and give her space?if you could help i would be very grateful thanks mike.