Docotor, I am 28 years old, married..3 years back i had sex with a lady whom i use to meet daily in bus, i used to talk to her daily and she became my friend and later(after 2 months) i was in love with her and one day she called me to her flat and we had unprotected sex. After knowing that she is married i broke with her. After that i did not meet her..after two motnhs when i told this story to my friend, he ask me as a joke r u HIV free..He joked me but it made me worried..After 3 moths i undergo a compulsory medical checkup here in Dubai for HIV for the Visa processes and the result was negative and i continued my job and I was happy. But after 2 year when i get married i read in internet is window period is 6 months i worried again..Then i decided to go for a blood donation where they do advanced testing and nothing happened so I was happy again. After one year again my visa need to be renewed so i need to go for compulsory medical check up again i started worrying again (i don’t know why) due to stress I again went for a blood donation and feel bit relax and i tot when medical checkup is over I will completely relaxed but last week my medical checkup is also finished and certificate said am fit and I got my visa renewed...but still am in stress doctor..i don’t knw why...i know am perfectly alright..but still my heart is beating..i can’t sleep..i don’t know what happened to me...i know i don’t need to go another test because in 3 years I have done two blood donation and two compulsory medical checkup for HIV. I need your help doctor because am shy to go to psycatrist what should do..i cant live peacefully