I don t know what s wrong with me, but I feel like there is something wrong.Emotionally. This affects my everyday life and I really need help. I have been having a lot of emotional (I guess you could call them mood swings) changes. On one side I will be really happy. But this happiness is like very happy. I will talk a lot (fast), act reckless, and make decisions I will regret later on. Mostly decisions that will affect me. My mind at times will start racing with so many thoughts at the same time I might get numb. This sometime, not always, causes me to have a little blank out where I need some time to focus and gather my thoughts. When I am happy I am crazy happy and I like it. My friends even get surprised asking me if I am high or if I am smoking something. And then Boom! I will get really really sad and depressed. I don t know why though. And sometimes it s just within the same day, hours later, like today. And yes I have had suicidal thoughts, A LOT. Please help. I am only fourteen. I have read and heard about bipolar disorder. Is that it?