Hello and welcome to HCM!
I as an
endocrinologist have to deal very often with questions like yours :).
Hypothyroid means that your thyroid function is lower, it means that it produces less FT4 and FT3. The thyroid hormones are responsible for maintaining the body
metabolism, it means they control the energy production of every cell. When the thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones (your case) the metabolism will be slower, i.e. you may feel sleepy, your heart rates may be lower than normal, you may have
constipation, your hair may fall,may tend to put on weight, you may have a decrease of libido, irregular menstrual cycle, higher tryglicerides level, ect. When the
hormonal deficiency is not so big, you may have not symptoms so it doesn't mean that you should have symptoms and than to correct the hormonal level.
hypothyroidism is confirmed i would recommend you to start the treatment.
Hope i was somewhat helpful.
Best regards,