I am on vacation and experiencing pain in an area of my body and want to know if it is pancreatitis. A few days ago, I noticed my poop became volumnous, lighter brown, and was floating like it had a lot of fat in it. I chalked it up to a latte I had with a lot of cream in it. Two days ago, I had flank pain on my right side. I have been diagnosed with kidney stones on both sides so I thought that was it. I went to bed. That night I woke up with the flank pain gone, but extreme nausea. Followed by pain in the left upper back area, in the area just between the bottom of the shoulder blade and the spine. I took some pepto bismol. Then my poop turned very dark green, and I thought it was because of the pepto. But now my poop is still volumnous and dark green, and I am not eating many greens, probably eating too much fat (Pizza, fatty latte, etc). If I lie down the back pain does not go away, instead it feels vaguely like someone hit me in the stomach, right in the middle of my body and radiating into my back. And I have been exhausted, sleeping a lot. I was concerned it might be pancreatitis although I ve never had that before. My first impulse is to thin the bile by introducing lemon into my water and drinking a lot of it. Would that be dangerous to do if it is an inflamed pancreas? I just want to get things smoothed out and keep going if I can.