Hello. My name is Mallory H.
I have been seeing my family doctor for about a couple of weeks for my hands,feet and knee issues. One day I was doing my everyday activities, playing with my children, and the next day, I couldnt even close my hands, couldnt hardly walk and my knees hurt to he point were I could hardly bend them. So I had went to my family doctor for this issue and she requested some blood tests to see if I had Rheumitoid Arthritis. And it came back as my SED Rate was high. The normal was from 0-20. But mine was 25. So my doctor even said it was high. So she ruled it out as arthritis. So shes refurring me to a Rheumatologist. And Im suppose to get a call from them for my first appointment. And My family doctor said my right knee is swollen. But she didnt say nothing more than that. And I am having trouble bending over picking stuff up without my knee locking up on me. I cant even do dishes anymore because my hands freeze up on me....and my questions to you is..1.) What could I do to make the pain I feel everyday ease up? 2.) What should be done about my knee being swollen and cant hardly bend over and get on the floor to play with my oldest daughter?
I would really appreciate it if I would get a response from you. I need help, I am only 19 years old with 2 children under the age of 2yrs. And I have never had this problem before ever.
Thanks for your time,
Mallory Harper