I have had general-mal seizures in the past. I currently take 500mg s of Keppra twice a day to prevent any more. I ve had to stop playing physical sports such as ice hockey due to the risk of further damaging my brain (I m 34). After 5 total days in the hospital we were unable to figure out the cause. One of the main ideas floated at the hospital was that over a course of 20+ years of hockey, and the dozen (documented- believed to be much higher) concussions I received played a major part in my brain trauma. This past June I got into a one vehicle crash (car was parked), but my airbag went off. Although I had 2 beers and was under the PA state limit, I failed the field sobriety tests. No general-mal seizure occurred during this. I was taken to the hospital and blood was drawn, and even though I clearly stated my condition and medication, my health was not tested nor were concussion tests given. I ve done my homework on the dangers of airbags, and one of the most blatant examples of significant injuries from them deploying are concussions, as well as TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). Since I m already at a higher risk because of my past I explained above, and the fact the the officer took me home instead of staying overnight at the police station after under 2 hours, my question is regarding concussions with someone who has experienced brain trauma. Within 15 minutes of the accident I was performing the field sobriety tests. Can you tell me what symptoms someone who has my past would experienced with a concussion, such as blood shot eyes, balance, etc.? Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Steve Ogden Jr. (484) 614-9178