Can understand your concern..
As per your complain the symptoms suggests
tonsillitis for sure which causes inflammation of the tonsils leading to enlargement, pain and dark appeared colour of tonsils..
Coughing of blood occurs as a result of rupture of minor blood vessels in the inflamed tonsils and when jerk is imposed during coughing the vessels rupture leading to bleeding..
Although it can take at least a day or two for the infection to reduce to a level that the pain is reduced but in case it does not you should get her checked whether she has bacterial infection or not as antibiotics act only against bacteria..
In case of bacterial or viral infections some common remedies can be..
Doing warm saline gargles..
In case of pain anti inflammatory painkillers like
Advil can be taken to relieve pain..
Throat lozenges can be soothing..
Avoid spicy and hard food..
soft diet..
Drink more water preferably lukewarm warm to avoid
dehydration and drying of mouth and throat which can further add up to irritation..
Hope your query is solved..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.