Hello Doctor,
I would like to explain to you about a situation and know chances are there that an ECG report can detect incorrect conditions.
I have a friend who is a non smoker, non alcoholic and follows a realy healthy lifestyle. And he took a medical test two days back which reported left atrium expansion, from the ECG reports. we were so shocked and startled. for someone being so good at health, why would this occur.
and here goes, my idea if the ecg cud have been a misinterpretation. He does a lot of strength training and aerobics. he did not get continuous 2 hours sleep too 24 hours before the medical test. I thought this would have increased the blood pressure and for an aerobics person heart muscles get thickend as per my knowledge. Due to this, the combinations of the report would have given such a result. Is it? and he had taken such test 8-12 months back and found perfectly fit.
All I want to know now, how serious condition it is and is there a cure. Im really worried.
I would be grateful for you response. Thanks,