Hi and welcome to HCM.
Nerve damage, circulation problems, and infections can lead to serious foot problems in
Foot care becomes important in diabetes. They are more prone to
foot ulcers. I suggest you to use diabetic soft microcellular slippers for walking, strict control of blood sugar and also daily monitoring of blood sugar and
consult a diabetologist or podiatrisy for proper examination of your foot. There are a few habits you should adopt and try to do every day
1.Check your feet and toes, inspecting the top, sides, soles, heels, and the area in between the toes. Contact your doctor immediately if you discover any sores,
redness, cuts, blisters, or bruises.
2.Wash your feet every day in warm water with mild soap. Hot water and harsh soaps can damage your skin. Check the water temperature with your fingers or elbow before putting your feet in because your diabetes may make it difficult to sense water temperature with your feet.
3.Dry your feet thoroughly and gently. Infections tend to develop in moist areas, so make sure you dry the area between your toes well.
4. If the skin on your feet feels rough or dry, use lotion or oil. Do not use lotion between your toes if you have sores there.
All the best