I’m 16 weeks pregnant. I had 2 previous miscarriages(one spontaneous and another missed miscarriage both in 2 month. D&C done for the second one alone).Currently I had my routine urine analysis. The results are: Color:Pale yellow, appearance-slightly turbid, pH-6.5, specific gravity 1.020, protein-NIL,glucose- NIL,bile salt- absent, bile pigment- negative, urobilinogen-normal, ketone-negative,blood- absent, nitrites-absent,pus cells- 2-3, epithelial cells- 10-15, RBCs- 0-1, renal epithelial cells-nil, crystals- nil,hyaline cast-nil,granular cast- nil, waxy cast- nil, WBC cast- NIL,RBC cast- Nil,mucus threads-nil,bacteria- nil, budding yeast- nil, others-nil and urine culture result- no growth seen in culture. Kindly tell me If there is anything of concern. Thank you