I am 20 years old. Before I ever had sex, I noticed that on my vaginal opening I had these two things hanging out. They were kind of like miniature labias. At least, that s how they looked. There was one haning on the right side of my vaginal opening, and one hanging on my left side of my vaginal opening. I never had a problem putting on tampons or taking them out, so I don t think it s my hymen, because my vaginal opening wasn t blocked by anything. About a week ago, I lost my virginity. I always expected it to hurt, and it did. I bled, too. The second time I had sex (which was the next day), though, it hurt a lot less. However, I went 4 days without having sex after that, and by the time I had sex again, it hurt more than the first time. By the 5th time I attempted to have sex, it was so painful, he couldn t even go all the way in me, because I couldn t bear the pain. So I went to the privacy of my own room to try to find out what was causing me so much pain. The two things hanging out of my vaginal opening were still there. Except now the right side one is ripped in half. That s where the pain is coming from. The left side one is perfectly intact, but the right side one was ripped into two pieces. So now it looks as though I have three things hanging out of my vaginal opening; one on the left, and two on the right. I was wondering, is this normal? Will this heal? Should I get this cut off by a doctor? What exactly are these two things (now 3) hanging from my vaginal opening? Is it my hymen?