My last period was the 11th Feb. I had intercourse on the 1st, (unprotected and condom broke!) and the 2nd. I took the morning after pill - Levonelle One-Step on the 2nd, but had unprotected intercourse several hours later. However he had ejaculated when the condom broke inside me.. It was the 8th March when I bled from nowhere. I had no warning like I ALWAYS do. There was simply 3 red spots, and then I started bleeding lightly on and off for 3 days. The colour was off too, often a red/off pink colour and brown. It was often water-like too.. sorry too much info! However, when this bleeding started, I wasn t due on my period for another half a week, and I usually bleed heavily for 5-6 days. Now, when I took the pill, I felt nauseous and dizzy. But this lasted a few hours, and that was that. It stopped for a day or 2, then hit 100x worse! I was waking up in the nights on the edge of being sick. It s now been 2 weeks, and I do NOT feel myself at all. I m getting tired way too easily, sleeping excessively and often feel weak, where sometimes I literally have no energy to move. I still have nausea , dizziness and headaches too. My breasts are sore , and the areolae are swollen, and the size seems bigger. Worst of all is my abdomen . In places it s absolutely sore to touch, especially my uterus area, I can t touch it without getting sharp pains. My stomach has gotten bigger and swollen. I ve gained like 7 inches all round ://. I have no idea what to think. I did a hpt before I started bleeding, but it was negative. Then yesterday I did another 2. One came out with a horizontal line in the preg window, however the instructions said only about a vertical line? The next the control line came out realllllly faint! Instead of the dark colour it should be. I followed the instructions accurately as they said. Did everything the right time, waited the right time, and read within the 30 minutes they said. Nothing changed. Help? Thanks!