I am having tingling in my right leg/ arm . This all started only a few days ago when I took an HIV test and though I was reacting from the stress since it took a few days for results, however, having the results be negative, I am still feeling the tingling. ( also got a pretty bad leg cramp the second night i started to feel it..) its not terrible its maybe a 3-4 on a scale of 10. I still have full strength, its not really numb, more the feeling you get BEfore you get pins and needles, as if i could shake it off..but I cant, and am starting to get worried. my friend started talking about things like MS etc. some advice to tell me Im not totally crazy pleease (If this is at all usefull, i have been Nausea on an off for the past few months, and constipated for the past few weeks)