So many causes for chest pain
Most commonly it is divided into cardiac and non cardiac causes.
Cardiac causes
Heart attack. A heart attack is a result of a blood clot that's blocking blood flow to your heart muscle.
Angina. Thick plaques can gradually build up on the inner walls of the arteries that carry blood to your heart. These plaques narrow the arteries and restrict the heart's blood supply, particularly during exertion.
Aortic dissection. This life-threatening condition involves the main artery leading from your heart — your aorta. If the inner layers of this blood vessel separate, blood will be forced between the layers and can cause the aorta to rupture.
Pericarditis. This condition, an inflammation of the sac surrounding your heart, usually causes sharp pain that gets worse when you breathe in or when you lay down.
Noncardiac causes
5 . PSYCHIATRY causes
Please take rest, and if you have any risk factors like obesity, smoking,
hypertension and diabetes. You have make them under control. And repeat ECG after 24-48hours follow orders of your doctor.