I have had underlying medical problems which have never been properly treated, i.e. hashimotos, salivary gland infection with stone, and now I started out with a severe sore throat 2 weeks ago, went to doctor, who took culture and claimed I had no strep--gave me nothing and sent me away. 3 days later my ear was painful and seemed clogged and my lymph glands in neck were swollen. again went to doctor, looked in my ear and would not give me any antibiotic or antiviral. told me it was a virus (how would he know--just guessing in my opinion) recommended Tylenol and sent me away. now my lymph glands are swollen and I realized I had just eaten so it may be in conjunction with untreated salivary gland problem. I note that hot compresses help, but shouldn t I get somewhere that I can get an antibiotic? if so shouldn t I ask for Pencillin than to mess around with all these derivatives?