For the last eleven months, I have had to urinate frequently, but usually during the night when I m laying down. The urge doesn t come from my urethra but from my clitoris and above it. However , when I go pee barely anything comes out or nothing at all and the urge persists. When I try to go, it feels as if I have the need to go, but I have to strain to push any urine out. I have no pressure or pain in my bladder I feel it all in my clitoral area. I have been in and out of different doctors offices over the last two months. I was diagnosed with IC by my urologist, and have been taking aloe vera, uribel, and have been on a low acidic diet, but the symptoms haven t gotten better at all. I have tried to test acidic foods once or twice to see if IC was really the problem, but it didnt make me need to pee more or give me any pain in my bladder. I dont drink soda or coffee, so it cant be that. I am not sexually active and have only been once four years ago. I have had my thyroid check and it was normal. I have gotten tested for UTI and any bacteria and I was normal. What could be wrong with me?