Thanks for posting your query on HCM
I have read and understood your concern.
Pale or clay coloured stool is not normal as it may be symptom of a medical condition to investigate and treat.However, examination by the Doctor will be very important.I wish to know if you have yellow eyes, if you feel too tired, any abdominal pains/swelling...?
The cause of your symptom may not be ACV with honey.Possible causes may include:
-A lack of bile in stool. This may indicate a bile duct obstruction
Liver, bile or pacreatic pathologies
-Certain medications, such as large doses of
bismuth subsalicylate -Conditions that may cause red blood cells destruction like infections,
G6PD deficiency.
-And many others
I will advise you see the Doctor for examination.Tests that may help include: stool exam, full blood count, ESR, free and congugated
bilirubin levels, liver function tests and abdominal
ultrasound and others if need be.
Hope this will help.You may write back if more concerns.
Wish you good health
Dr Mbuomboh