Hi I m 22 years old...ive was on vancomycin for a month due to a mrsa infection in my blood..i got of vanco 6 days ago and picc line removed 7 days ago.now I started with cold flu like symptoms about 8 daysago right now I have a slightly dry cough but feel really congested.. A couple days ago I started noticing a rash around the are where I had the picc.i went to urgent care cause I noticed my temperature started rising also my face was really flushed and hot along with my ears..also ears were swallen along with upper lip, tongue, nose, upper cheek, eyes...i was diagnosed with urticaria, cough, eustachian tube dysfunction then that was that..now yesterday I woke up with the same symptoms but I also developed a rash all around my body...and hives aroundwhere I had picc line and behind ears..i went into e.r.and they have me benDryl, I got a shot of epeniphrin cus my throat felt a lil swallen,i got prednison, and they told me to take pepcid too.i was discharged then..i looked better and felt better..but now this morning my face is flushed and getting headache and with neck pain right below ear...any ideas what is wrong