Hi a few years ago i was hospitalized due to drug overdose (unintentional) this resulted in my heart speeding up and slowing down, eventually getting that slow it didnt beat for id say 4-5-6 seconds feeling my blood dtop flowing and my internal cogs stop working, weird weird feeling.After leaving the hospital with ecgs fine the day after from staying over night due to a close call i recoverd within 2 weeks and started taking the drug again.I ended up back in hospital with my heart doing the same thing just not as bad that got sorted than after that iv been clean for roughly 2years but everytime i closed my eyes my heart would jump, jolt speed up bump bang run flap flip flop drop absolutly anything that feels life threatening it would do, only when the eyes are closed tho.iv had lets say atleast 20 ecgs could be more, no end of early early early trips to the hospital but blood test and ecgs have come back fine they canot find anything up with my heart.the question is now i get this bubble feeling in my chest wich seems to be only on the left side, muscle related or artiary related i dont know if u could help id like that.appolagise for spellings and life story im just getting fed up of feeling on lifes end. Self inflicted i know i just really need to know whats happening. Jake