My daughter (27 yrs) and I (50 yrs) are experiencing very painful swelling on the back of our heels. Hers is fairly new but I was diagnosed with severe Achilles tendonitis a few years ago. I ve tried medical boots, medicines, soaking and elevating my feet, insoles, inversion therapy, . . . but nothing works. We both have jobs that require a lot of time on our feet, but even cutting hours and resting has not healed our heels, it helps but doesn t heal and even housework and grocery shopping are painful and cause swelling to the point of interfering with not only our jobs but just day to day living. Orthotic shoe inserts have been recommended by a family member and though we don t understand how that could help and are doubtful something so simple could relieve the pain enough to be worth it, we don t know what else to try and would like some information and prices, please. Thank you, Cynthia