I suffer from Fordyce spots, I masturbate daily and have noticed some of the spots increase a little in size, however I've developed two big spots which are the size of a pea. One is red, which has a small redder circle on the spot whilst the rest of the spot is a skin colour. The other spot is just above it and is slightly larger, although this is the majority skin colour, but also has a very small brown/red colour just off the centre and a yellow colour next to it. The spots are tough and hard to touch and a very light pain, to them if touched hard enough. The spots aren't perfectly round and more of a sphere. Normally, I've had what appears to be fordyce spots to increase it size but only a small bit, but this has concerned me.
They have caused two bumps, because of the enlarged area. They don't itch unless I think about them,. they look very similar to Sebaceous Cyst. I've had no sexual contact with anyone ever.