My mother was hospitalized because she had a cerebral hemorrhage. She was released to rehab a week later and had a UTI for which she was being treated w/ Cefdinir. A few days later, in the midst of the Cefdinir treatment, rehab thought she was having another cerebral hemorrhage. She was re-hospitalized. She did not have another bleed, but now she had what the hospital described as a new UTI producing yeast . They had cultured (took a day or 2) to find out what would best treat. In the meantime she was getting an antibiotic (I don t know what) via IV until they had the results. When they had the results, they released her back to rehab. Once back at rehab, she was given fluconazole for yeast but not antibiotics. Time-wise, she would have finished her first course of antibiotic treatment, for the first UTI, during the time she was on her second admission to the hospital. If she now has another UTI producing yeast, and I read on-line that a UTI is caused by E.coli, wouldn t there need to be a further course of antibiotics to treat the UTI AND the fluconazole to treat the yeast? [I also note that the rehab admit doctor, in his report, called it, under Associated Diagnoses: ACUTE UTI; under History of Present Illness UTI and yeast in her urine. ] THANK YOU